Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just Say No to GMO's! Shop Local and Grow Your Own!!

A beautiful small Farm 
          I am passionate about getting the right information out about GMOs and sustainable farming. There is a lot of misinformation out there because the big ag (Agricultural), companies spend billions to convince consumers they are safe. It's a very contentious issue. I'm a small scale farmer and have many small scale farming friends. There are several big reasons for us to decry GMOs.

Just a few:

1. Monsanto doesn't want to feed the world, they want to own and control the world's food supply.  

They are there for profit...create a need, and 

 fill it. This means wiping out all competition, controlling everything from seed to fertilizer. They went into India promising big yields and then the yields weren't there and they jacked up the price of the seed. They make it illegal to save seed. This is the essence of farming from the beginning of time. They create dependent farmers instead of self sufficient ones. Every 30 minutes an Indian farmer commits suicide as a result of Monsanto's GMO crops. In the last decade, more than 250,000 Indian farmers have killed themselves because of Monsanto's costly seeds and pesticides.

   2. Do you know what "Roundup Ready" means? Many people are now becoming "gluten intolerant," 

               not because of gluten but because of the glysophate. 

Glyphosate May Be a Key Factor in the Development of Chronic Disease

AutismGastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, colitis, and Crohn's diseaseObesity
AllergiesCardiovascular diseaseDepression
CancerInfertilityAlzheimer's disease
Parkinson's diseaseMultiple sclerosisALS and more

They have manufactured a seed that won't die when doused with a chemical that kills everything... we can't get away from it... Millions of pounds are dumped every year and

                                                         it kills your gut bacteria. 

Many weeds are now resistant to roundup and more and more chemicals are needed. 

3. BT corn might not need as many pesticides (still sprayed with roundup) but that is because the pesticide is actually IN the corn. BT is considered an organic pesticide. It's basically a bacteria that gets into the guts of worms and causes them to explode. It washes off in the rain...but, when spliced into the dna it's there and 

       you consume a very large dose of this gut exploding bacteria. 


    Those are just the main three. I don't want them. Sustainable farmers don't use them. People who want to build up their soil won't go near them. 

         Countries are banning them

Politicians are in the big ag companies 

pockets... both Republican and 


    It's is patently false that GMOs bring in more yields

...unless you have raped your soil to the point that you need incredible amounts of fertilizer.
I have a great friend who I get my hay from. He said he personally stays away from gmos because of the chemicals needed to grow them. One day a  vat of chemicals spilled and 

 he stepped in it and his boot melted, 
he said, "I will never grow GMOs..." 

I have Amish friends who gets greater yields with non gmos but you can't get those yields if you run a monoculture crop of 1,000's of acres of just one crop...corn or soybeans

          To say GMOs feed the world is false. 

   Most corn is grown for fuel or for animal feed. Most animals (pigs, cows, chickens) can be grown successfully and healthier on pasture. 
   The world should not be eating corn as a main substance anyway.... 

I could go on, but my point is that the GMO 

culture has transformed farming in 

America, polluting waterways, and 

depleted the soils to the point that 

most soils are dead and are living on 

mined life support. 

     Healthy soil is built through compost and manure and so are healthy plants.

     If your soil isn't healthy, bringing up nutrients naturally from the ground, we will be sick. And it's true. 

     We are sicker than we've ever been, need more supplements like vitamins and minerals, and eat 2x as much just to TRY to get the vitamins and nutrients of just 60 years ago. 

And small farmers can't afford 

to lobby Congress. We are too 

busy actually working to pay full time smoozers.... 

I leave you with an example:


  A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent; iron levels 37 percent; vitamin A levels 21 percent, and vitamin C levels 30 percent. A similar study of British nutrient data from 1930 to 1980, published in the British Food Journal,found that in 20 vegetables the average calcium content had declined 19 percent; iron 22 percent; and potassium 14 percent. Yet another study concluded that one would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one.



Domestic livestock overdose on cereal-based feed and have historically been fed everything from animal droppings to other animals 

2001 review study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, showing that nutrient levels, including vitamin C, are lower in crops grown with chemical fertilizers. Organic spinach, lettuce, cabbage and potatoes showed relatively high levels.

'Studies show that organic food has 15 per cent more dry matter than non-organic food,' she says, 'so for each kilo of organic fruit or veg you are getting 15 per cent more nutrition. Some of the high yield in conventional farmed crops is just water. By using a lot of NPK [nitrogen phosphorous potassium] fertilizers, the plant is forced to grow faster - and our measure of growth is just the weight at the end. 

There is no focus on what growth really means in plants and animals. 

With livestock, too, you are giving them unnaturally high-energy diets to force them to grow a lot faster.

      So we literally HAVE to eat more in order to have the proper nutrients we need... 


America is awash in gmos and their health is suffering greatly as a result..." This is a quote I heard recently from someone in England. The GMO issue is highly contentious, mostly because farming has changed so drastically in the last half century and most modern farms are consolidations of many small farms. The mantra is "bigger, better, faster..." One of my favorite lines from Jurrasic Park goes something like "We got so caught up things we could do, we didn't stop to ask should we do it..." This is the case with gmos... Should we splice the dna of one organism into another,and more importantly, should we ingest them? How will the growing of them affect small farmers? How will it affect the environment? GMOs have literally reshaped the world, but not for the better. Good news, people are waking up!! Things are changing!!

Genesis 2:15  Then the LORD God took the man 

and put him in the                                      Garden of Eden

            to farm the land and to take care of it.

Proverbs 28:19
He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty.
Genesis 2:15
Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
Genesis 3:23
therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken.
Genesis 4:2
Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Genesis 3:17-19
Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life. "Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; And you will eat the plants of the field; By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return."
Proverbs 12:11
He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, But he who pursues worthless things lacks sense.
The Real American Dream

Life, FreedomLiberty and Happiness!

                                                   WE ARE FREE!

Kansas For President Farms For Everyone!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fox in the Hen House! Okay, an Opossum...and Kansas Cowboy is a Hero!!

Two mornings ago I was awoken with the frantic news that two of our Freedom Rangers had been eaten and two were killed. Kansas often pulls the early morning chore shift and had kindly disposed of the bodies. It was really sad. He said all the little bird were huddled in the corner and we all assumed it was just too cold that night as temperatures had dropped and that as a result the four little feathered friends were trampled. We plugged in the heat lamp the next night and everything seemed okay, or so we thought.

Kansas would probably tell the story better but at 5:00 A.M. he went out to check on the chickens and saw two more were dead. He thought to himself "Something is really weird here or we have monster birds violently killing each other." He got a shovel and buried the two birds and went back into the coop to check on the rest when he looked up in the corner and saw the ultimate villain...a hissing opossum in the corner standing on the chick brooder waiting to pounce on his next victim.

Kansas acted quick, as God had already provided for a weapon...the shovel he used to bury the chicks was still in his hands. So, he thrust it like a javelin into the offender!!!

We are sad to have lost 6 birds and one is inside getting tlc but so grateful for our resident hero who had the presence of mind to get that little bugger!! Right place, right time! 

We think he entered in through a small hole we cut to insert a waterer. It's all closed up now, again, thanks to Kansas. 

Hopefully our remaining chicks will grow up fat and happy!!! 

You know, this story really spoke to my heart. I always try to see what the Lord can teach us through these hard situations. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives and we get upset and feel powerless to fix it. Sometimes we think we've fixed a problem only to see it pop up again. But, if we are still and quiet and seek the Lord, he will show us who the real culprit is!!!! 

Kansas said that he was reading in Samuel about Saul throwing a javelin at David, which missed him and went into the wall,  and so that was fresh on his mind when he encountered our invader so he was ready! Who says the Bible doesn't have any practical knowledge?  In essence, Kansas channeled his inner David (that is his middle name after all) and took that little giant down! 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Saga continues. Putting up a better, bigger Privacy Fence.

        We already have over 200 tall grasses, a five foot tall regular fence nestled with over 100 privets almost 8 feet high!
Now that we have sawmill a lot of wood we are using it to build a bigger, better privacy fence as a gift to our neighbors who dislike what we do on our property and how it looks.  I am beginning to feel like we are building a fort. Is this America where people have to protect themselves from others just to have some privacy? What are all those taxes for when we the people have to protect ourselves from the Government. Poisoned Food, invading neighbors. Thank God, that Jesus is still King and his Kingdom cannot be shaken or moved!
       So what do you do when you're trying to do something nice for someone and they hurl curse words at ya? You love them! Everyone, including the people at the Township, has told us to just convert our fence to a privacy fence, so our neighbors don't have to see our property. We have decided to take everyone's advice, at our own time and expense. In doing, so we have decided to back the fence up to the property line, so they won't even have to see us back there mowing or maintaining the tall grasses we have planted. While finding the line today we were cursed at, twice... Well Matt was (poor Matt, all y'all know he's the nicest, most easy going guy on the face of the planet ) Lol, sigh... Can't win for trying around here. God told me to read Nehemiah today, I didn't know why until now. God bless our neighbors, and please don't let their anger give them heart attacks! We love them!

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Saga Continues! Fighting for Food Freedom... Don't Try This At Home...Unless You Have a Force Field!

Invisible Force Field

Don't try this at Home!
Don't try this at home- unless you are moved by a powerful force that urges you to keep going despite the odds, in which case you are probably being led by God, and if so, He's  has  a force field  protecting you...
The thing about force fields, is you usually can't see them...

April 8, 2016
*sigh* I write to you after another visit from a government employee...
The last visit from a government employee was sometime in early March, until yesterday.

(We are getting so much publicity and attention,  before long we'll be running the whole county)


 But here's the thing... our neighbor doesn't know that God fights our battles. So, in the end, this visit was really no big deal. Yesterday The County Department responsible for the three Red tags and one orange tag stopped by. We got the chance to see the huge list of accusations we are supposed to be guilty of violating.  He told us most of the things on the list aren't even his department. We figure the complainant, who must have binoculars and listening devices, is watching us all the time; he made up a list of everything we own, everything we do and don't do, according to his worldly ill perceptions, standards and then sent it to every department in the county!

It's definitely not the way I would choose to go about spreading the word for good health and gardening, but all of this gives us great opportunities to find out information and who's involved, but more important we get to witness to these employees.    We talk about everything. (Everything we have and do is on the list!)...We talk about movies like Food Inc, pesticides, and how being a hardworking American should be rewarded, not punished.  The "list" from this neighbor reads like a spy novel and the boy who cried wolf all in one.

But one of the coolest things, was, two of our very good farming friends just so happened to be over visiting and we were busily working out in the cold and rain. Both Chris and Kathryn are young, single people, who, with a vision for multi-generational sustainable farms, have embarked on their own mission to help heal hearts and the planet through the leading of the Lord!

 The inspector could see we put our money where our mouth is and was really impressed. He was a real human, with real human responses and
 he walked away much more informed on the problems and the "easier" solutions God has given people in nature. We told him how, because of this nosy neighbor, we are now friends with so many awesome farming and sustainable minded people. We got to visit Joel Salatin's Polyface, joined Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and, honestly, because of him, our faith has been strengthened, as has our resolve. Ha, you know the inspector joked and said we should send our neighbor a thank you letter for spurring us to start this blog, to get the Facebook group going, to connect with all you reading this!! What the enemy intends for evil, if you put your faith, hope, and trust in the Lord, he will turn it around.
     The inspector could see that we are also a part of a much larger group of people intent on saving a lot of people from poisons in their lives killing them with sicknesses, cancers, anxiety etc...; a whole list of personal and physical problems. We are reaching out to more and more people and it's simply fantastic!

Poor Birdie, No human intelligence whatsoever.
I don't know if this will be the last we hear from inspectors, probably not. Our neighbor can't seem to stop himself, like this bird...
He can't stop himself,  it's in his human nature without God to sin against others' Rights and Freedom.

   The complainant ends up being the Bird flying into a glass window and just never stops!

   But here's the thing, we all know our planet is polluted...but Poisoned food, poisoned water, corruption in government, stupidity in government, all have God given Natural Solutions. The law of Nature and Nature's God Supersede, are Above, have All power, All Authority. If a man-made law goes against the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, ultimately, those laws have no power or authority, because they are based on someone, somewhere forcing their will upon others. The truth is stronger. Just because something is a law, doesn't mean it's right....

  But here's the thing...Don't be a Martyr, Wait on God... It's really important to know what your Natural Rights are, but know who you're up against...count the cost...
Luke 14:
28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

  There are those who deny the God given rights of others and the right to live in peace...they manipulate and twist the law, and become the ultimate law breakers...it's criminal.
 They disturb the peace of honest citizens and  cannot stop themselves.  They see our land, our property, what we are doing, and they just have to get involved. It's human nature.  Most people see what we are doing, fighting for food freedom and natural rights and they come right along side us!!! We're doing things so different than most today but not different than life 100 yrs ago. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, see God and hear God.  Those under the spell of sin, binding their hearts and their minds can only see what they want, how they could use us, or hurt us, or control us.  They don't see God protecting us. They are like birds that fly into a glass window.

God is our Force Field 24/7/365 surrounding us.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Little Saga, Letter Sent Last Weekend

Red Tag today March 2, 2016,
Same Day, Michelle followed behind the Clermont County Health Vehicle to Sonic praying for them

It's just one of those Days!

Putting up blog to keep a record. No biggie!

  We did send in a letter in our defense last weekend.


"Peace Officers" instead of Police Officers: "Peace Officers" ensure the right of each individual to live in "Peace". They stop "Wars".
Siding with the U.S. Constitution, which bars warrantless searches, Sheriff Rogers decided to take action by sending an email to the DOJ trial attorney. He wrote:
I understand that you have made recent requests to (the farmer) for documents and to appear before a grand jury, and he has had a number of inspections and attempted inspections on his farm within Elkhart County. This is notice that any further attempts to inspect this farm without a warrant signed by a judge, based on probable cause, will result in federal inspectors’ removal or arrest for trespassing by my officers or I. In addition, if any further action is taken by the federal government on (the farmer), while he is in Elkhart County, I will expect that you or federal authorities contact my office prior to such action. I will expect you to forward this information to your federal associates, including the FDA.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Love Me Some Flowers! 9 Plants That Keep Pests Out of Garden

Hello,                     From God's Little Acres... Urban Farming                      February 1, 2016

We got our first seeds planted. We are taking inventory to see what else why might need to order. We are really going to be taking advantage of the beauty and insecticide properties of flowers this year. Good bye white flies, hello petunias! 

http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-borage.html Borage
Although it is an herb, borage can deter hornworms and  cabbage worms , and is believed to help almost any plant increase its resistance to disease and pests.
cabbage worms

Chrysanthemums have large flower heads in white, yellow or pink, and they can be quite helpful with pests in the garden. Some varieties have been made into a tea for use as a pesticide to kill root nematodes and repel Japanese beetles.

Insecticidal uses[edit]

Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum [or Tanacetumcinerariaefolium) is economically important as a natural source of insecticide. The flowers are pulverized, and the active components, called pyrethrins, which occur in the achenes, are extracted and sold in the form of an oleoresin. This is applied as a suspension in water or oil, or as a powder. Pyrethrins attack the nervous systems of all insects, and inhibit female mosquitoes from biting. In sublethal doses they have an insect repellent effect. They are harmful to fish, but are far less toxic to mammals and birds than many synthetic insecticides. They are not persistent, being biodegradable, and also decompose easily on exposure to light.Pyrethroids such as permethrin are synthetic insecticides based on natural pyrethrum.
Dahlias grow flowers with a variety of shapes and colors, making them a popular choice for flower gardeners. They’re said to also repel nematodes, making them both beautiful and useful in your vegetable garden.
 Growing dahlias and herbs in the same area can significantly reduce or eliminate insect damage and keep unwanted small animals away as well.

Four O’Clocks
Four O’Clock flowers will attract and kill Japanese beetles, making them an excellent bait flower to place near your vegetable gardens. These flowers are also poisonous to pets and people too however, so take care to choose safe locations if you choose to plant these.

Lavender is an excellent general pest repellent flower to use in your garden. It repels both fleas and moths, and it can help protect other plants near it from whiteflies. *** Lavenders attack white flies, the white flies damage Lavender Plants****

Lavender bouquets repel fleas, flies and other biting insectsRepels moths, fleas, flies and mosquitoes. Lavender has been used for centuries to add a pleasantly sweet fragrance to homes and clothes drawers. Although people love the smell of lavender, mosquitoes, flies and other unwanted insects hate it.

The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to "bug" many destructive insects. Marigold flowers come in scented and unscented varieties, with the scented ones are best used for pest deterrents. And while this plant drives away many bad bugs, it also attracts spider mites and snails.   http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2010/06/02/effective-biological-pest-control/
Marigolds' greatest claim to pest control fame is their effect, documented in numerous studies, on nematodes, which are a kind of worm that in some cases is destructive to plants.
Like other members of the daisy family, marigolds also do their share in feeding nectar to beneficial insects, such as syrphid flies, who prey on aphids and other insects that attack garden plants. Members of the daisy family do not yield nearly as much nectar as flowers of the parsley family — dill, for instance — but daisy family flowers keep the nectar flowing longer.
Other beneficial effects of marigolds are less dramatic or useful. They have been shown to have some slight effect in repelling cabbage worms from cabbage and their kin. And some marigolds, especially a variety called Stinking Roger, repel flies, except that the flies are the kind that bother cows and other domestic animals, not plants.

Nasturtiums planted near tomatoes and cucumbers can fight off aphids, whiteflies, squash bugs, and cucumber beetles. The flowers, especially the yellow blooming varieties, act as a trap for aphids.  http://www.herbsarespecial.com.au/isabells_blog/nasturtium-natural-antibiotic.html
Nasturtiums are good companion plants. They excrete a strong pungent essence into the air and soil, which has been found to deter aphids, white fly and root pests; and the essence secreted into the soil is also absorbed by other plants, helping them to resist attack by pests and disease. Plant nasturtiums between cabbages, broccoli, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, and around fruit trees.
Aphid Spray: nasturtium leaves (infused in boiling water, cooled, strained, and with a little liquid soap added) are used as a spray for aphids on vegetables and other plants.

Petunias can repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and others.

Petunias and Organic Pest Control

Petunias are ideal as companion plants because they are nature’s version of a pesticide. They repel a variety of pests including the asparagus beetle, leafhoppers and tomato worms. They are also effective against some types of aphids and Mexican bean beetles.
Some of the plants that thrive when you plant petunias as companions include brassicas, beans, basil, tomatoes, grapes, corn and peppers. Roses also fare well when this natural insect deterrent is planted in proximity.

Protecting Your Vegetable Harvest

The brassica family includes broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. When planting with broccoli or cabbage, petunias will increase the likelihood of you getting a good harvest because they trap cabbage worms. These “worms” are in fact a species of caterpillar that will eat through an entire crop if left unchecked so the best, organic method for you to control these pests is to plant petunias in your cabbage beds.
Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and tobacco are part of the same family and are susceptible to the same type of pests such as aphids, hornworms, cabbage loopers, Japanese beetles and weevils. Planting petunias or geraniums among your crops will either distract or repel these pests from your harvest plants.

Protecting Grape Vines

Grape vines attract a large variety of pests from aphids, mites and moths, to nematodes. Certain nematode species attack grape vine roots, which lead to stunted growth because the nutrient and water absorption cycle is affected. Companion planting around grape vines of petunias will protect your grapes from most of these pests and guarantee better vigor and health for your plants. 
Companion planting is the best way for you to control pests in your garden naturally and cleanly. Commercially available pesticides contain chemicals that cannot be considered beneficial to your health.
Sunflowers might be the largest flower you have in your garden, and what a better beacon to say "come on over" to beneficial pollinators. I've heard that they can draw aphids away from other plants.

The sunflower is one of many plants that are now known to aid in “phytoremediation,” a process that employs various types of plants to remove, transfer, stabilize, and/or destroy contaminants in the our soil, water and air. Compared to other cleanup methods, such as soil excavation or pumping polluted groundwater, phytoremediation has become a clean, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly way to reclaim and reuse land that has been tainted by poisonous chemicals and heavy metals.