Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Friday, May 15, 2015

We've gone hog wild! Our newest guests!

Meet our newest temporary members of God's Lil Acre! Pinky and Twinkle Toes! Thanks to the Ohio Ag law 519.21 we are able to let these two cutie pies visit our patch of green for a while!

They are both so excited to be here in their new little abode while we "pig sit" for our Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Skippy until September when they reach 240 lbs and head to the "farm".... as it were... ;)  lol

 How can you not love those adorable faces!!!!

Twinkle Toes to the left here came with a little limp... hence the name... Pinky's name is original don't ya think??? But actually you have to watch that pink skin it burns easy in the sun and although they have PLENTY of shade, they prefer the sun! We've already had to lather them up with good ole SPF 30!

Here Justin is using a shredder to cut up all of our pompous grasses into bedding! Hard, hot, itchy work! Notice the shelter Justin and Matt built out of pallets and left over scraps from the sawmill. The roof is plywood painted with driveway tar. It's nice and cool in there even when the sun is beating down!

What we have here is called a "deep litter method" with logs on the bottom, then smaller branches, then sticks and lastly more pompous grasses. We also had about 6 wheel barrows of saw shavings from our saw mill that we used to fill in the gaps. The deep littler method cuts down on the smell and allows them to root and dig deep, creating good compost by September! 

Here I painted the fruits of the Spirit outside of the pen... just in case the piggys needed a reminder... ;) 
Justin made this self feeder in a day with plywood, it holds about five 50 lb bags. Justin gets all the credit for the whole build and the deep litter etc, he did a fantastic job! 

Pigs can eat anything! So all our friends and neighbors, if you have leftovers send them our way, Pinky and Twinkle Toes will thank you!

Their first time in, I think they like their new home! 
 The pen is made up of posts and recycled pallets, reinforced with scrap boards from our saw mill. We then put logs all around the edges. 
Justin AND Jasper teaching them how to use the new feeder... yes, she even ate the feed... Jasper...  

 And as if our little neighbor Aislin wasn't an animal whisperer of all animals, she has added pigs to the list, here she already has Pinky eating marshmallows out of her hands!

 Even Aidan did amazing, walking right in!
 To top the day off, Justin's mom Regena spent the afternoon here for a belated celebration of her birthday and Mother's day, Leah made KILLER hot fudge cakes... yes Pinky and Twinkle Toes got some too...

All in all a PERFECT day on God's Lil Acre!!!! Thanks for stopping by, until next time!!!!

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