Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"The Saga Continues" Leaving Us with more Mystery than Problem Solving!

Join with us as we Thank God for this wonderful man
Who intends evil but  is bringing us closer to God
Closer to FREEDOM


         The Sage continues: Miami Township Administrator resigned with a nice severance package. There is a lot of mystery left to the reader. Both parties agree not to talk about it, both parties agree on the package, both parties are not saying why or what happened.

Both parties agree not to" disparage" one another: Since I went to Milford I had to look this word up.

  1. regard or represent as being of little worth.
    "he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors"
  2. belittledenigratedeprecatetrivialize, make light of, undervalue,underrate, play down; More

Milford,Miami Township Advertiser Front page:http://issuu.com/cincinnati/docs/milford-miami-advertiser-081915/1?e=1025128/14905586  August 9,2015

2nd page: http://issuu.com/cincinnati/docs/milford-miami-advertiser-081915/1?e=1025128/14905586


All they will say is she left for personal reasons. A person who is making $112, 000 a year doesn't just quit for personal matters, nor do they receive a severance pay.

Is she being paid off? Is she being a scapegoat? Will we ever know.

We could, if we wanted to,  sue the township for harassment, 
Unlawful use for the Police officer.
trespassing, violation of all our rights, especially the right to privacy, and using the law illegally, even our neighbor.

God is not leading us to get involved in these matters he will take care of it for us.
God is the Judge!

But it does lead everyone to wonder Why?

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