Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Saga continues, Orange Tag

Someone keeps using the government for his selfish personal reasons, illegally, unjustly and not to protect the rights of everyone. We have obeyed every law, while someone is breaking every law. Trampling on all our rights to live in "Peace".  They are in a "State of War" with us.
A Little while ago we received a little red tag on our mail box from Clermont County. We also received one in August.


So we put out a sign stating all of our rights and that Ohio Law is above Township and County Law.
This time they rearranged the same words and instead of a red tag we received and an orange tag which we put in the same box stating Ohio Law is above County Law.
Then through the gossip mill we hear our neighbor has "it out to get us."
This neighbor has put himself in a "State of War" against us trying to take our God given rights and freedoms from us.  Below are some quotes of John Lock. Anyone who tries to steal your rights is trying to enslave you as a tyrant.  The only thing missing are the chains.
Your rights come from "Nature". What would you do if no one else lived around you? Those are your rights!
We join a government to make law to protect us from those who would steal are freedoms, personal possession, or property from us.  The government is to punish those who do not respect those around them as if they had no neighbors.
In nature you have no neighbors, just you and God. We join together and form a union to protect the rights we have when alone. No one can even talk to me on my property unless I give them permission.  

People can not interfere in the lives of others, doing as the freely choose, on their property to secure and provide for their families, health, life, and freedoms. Everyone has the right to use their land to provide for his family.

“In transgressing the law of nature, the offender declares himself to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity" Ch.2, 8”
― John LockeSecond Treatise of Government
“This makes it Lawful for a Man to Kill a Thief, who has not in the least hurt him, nor declared any design upon his life, any farther then by the use of Force, so to get him in his Power, as to take away his Money, or what he pleases from him.: because using force, where he has no Right, to get me into his Power, let his pretense be what it will, I have no reason to purpose that he, who would take away my Liberty, would not when he had me in his Power, take away every thing else. And therefore it is Lawful for me to treat him, as one who has put himself into a State of War with me, I.e. kill him if I can; for to that hazard does he justly expose himself, whoever introduces a State of War, and is Aggressor in it.” 

As far as the tag goes: The first two were red and  said "possibly building without permit... yes, "possible..." this one is funny because it's an orange tag used to issue permits, only it's crossed out and now says "working without permit..." I don't really know what it means to be quite honest and right now don't want to contact them because it doesn't actually tell us to do anything but call... it's very very vague, like the other two... not very professional... almost like they wanted to say something but didn't have the right tag so they just picked a tag, crossed some stuff out and made something up...

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