Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fox in the Hen House! Okay, an Opossum...and Kansas Cowboy is a Hero!!

Two mornings ago I was awoken with the frantic news that two of our Freedom Rangers had been eaten and two were killed. Kansas often pulls the early morning chore shift and had kindly disposed of the bodies. It was really sad. He said all the little bird were huddled in the corner and we all assumed it was just too cold that night as temperatures had dropped and that as a result the four little feathered friends were trampled. We plugged in the heat lamp the next night and everything seemed okay, or so we thought.

Kansas would probably tell the story better but at 5:00 A.M. he went out to check on the chickens and saw two more were dead. He thought to himself "Something is really weird here or we have monster birds violently killing each other." He got a shovel and buried the two birds and went back into the coop to check on the rest when he looked up in the corner and saw the ultimate villain...a hissing opossum in the corner standing on the chick brooder waiting to pounce on his next victim.

Kansas acted quick, as God had already provided for a weapon...the shovel he used to bury the chicks was still in his hands. So, he thrust it like a javelin into the offender!!!

We are sad to have lost 6 birds and one is inside getting tlc but so grateful for our resident hero who had the presence of mind to get that little bugger!! Right place, right time! 

We think he entered in through a small hole we cut to insert a waterer. It's all closed up now, again, thanks to Kansas. 

Hopefully our remaining chicks will grow up fat and happy!!! 

You know, this story really spoke to my heart. I always try to see what the Lord can teach us through these hard situations. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives and we get upset and feel powerless to fix it. Sometimes we think we've fixed a problem only to see it pop up again. But, if we are still and quiet and seek the Lord, he will show us who the real culprit is!!!! 

Kansas said that he was reading in Samuel about Saul throwing a javelin at David, which missed him and went into the wall,  and so that was fresh on his mind when he encountered our invader so he was ready! Who says the Bible doesn't have any practical knowledge?  In essence, Kansas channeled his inner David (that is his middle name after all) and took that little giant down! 

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