Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Thursday, February 4, 2016

God is the Arbiter Not Men. Nosy Neighbor Strikes Again With Another Nuisance Letter from the Health Dept.

Things like this make us sharper and brings us closer to God. Each assault yields from us the Power and authority, Fruit of God's Spirit. We are able to wield God's Word and the Laws Good Christian men laid down as our foundation, like a sword against evil.

We haven't thoroughly examined the issue to make it plain to you. When we understand it we will be able to tell you about it, but it seems like another petty, easily explained, false accusation- we are confident it will resolve quickly. The nuisance and accusation along with a threat, are not important. God is using it to empower us to free ourselves and others from the snares of the Devil: sinners, trouble makers, those who cannot live in peace in their souls so they have to cause others troubles in order to feel anything! That's what's important.
Simple Definition of arbiter: God
: a person who is considered to be an authority on what is right, good, or proper
: a person who has the power to settle an argument between people
This week was brutal on Facebook. The Bengals aren't in the Superbowl. (not that we care, but a lot of you do... :) Then an innocent man standing up for his rights against a totalitarian Government is murdered. The people who want freedom from religion, which is insane you'd have to move to another plant, are taking down signs and as well as doing many other ignorant things.
.... The People hold in power to themselves, through the 9th amend that we retain all of our rights that come from God and no one can usurp our power.
The good news is: No one owns another person, so they cannot "make" you do anything because "they don't own you"! We are not slaves, through Jesus Christ we own ourselves, we have a conscience and we live free as long as we do not break the commandments of God.

In a free society one man's opinion isn't the rule of law. It all must have an "arbiter". This Arbiter (God) decides between men, since men are apt to side with those they agree with making them bias and discriminating. For the law to carry any weight it needs someone "higher than human beings to be this arbiter."
..............Or we end up with "forced, brutality" and the men in government killing whomever they want and doing whatever they want.

God/The Bible is the arbiter and we all agreed to when signing the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. To fight the use of the Bible is to fight the arbiter. The rightful legal authority in America. Get it?

Simple Definition of arbiter: God

: a person who is considered to be an authority on what is right, good, or proper
: a person who has the power to settle an argument between people

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