Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Little Saga, Letter Sent Last Weekend

Red Tag today March 2, 2016,
Same Day, Michelle followed behind the Clermont County Health Vehicle to Sonic praying for them

It's just one of those Days!

Putting up blog to keep a record. No biggie!

  We did send in a letter in our defense last weekend.


"Peace Officers" instead of Police Officers: "Peace Officers" ensure the right of each individual to live in "Peace". They stop "Wars".
Siding with the U.S. Constitution, which bars warrantless searches, Sheriff Rogers decided to take action by sending an email to the DOJ trial attorney. He wrote:
I understand that you have made recent requests to (the farmer) for documents and to appear before a grand jury, and he has had a number of inspections and attempted inspections on his farm within Elkhart County. This is notice that any further attempts to inspect this farm without a warrant signed by a judge, based on probable cause, will result in federal inspectors’ removal or arrest for trespassing by my officers or I. In addition, if any further action is taken by the federal government on (the farmer), while he is in Elkhart County, I will expect that you or federal authorities contact my office prior to such action. I will expect you to forward this information to your federal associates, including the FDA.


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