Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Saga Continues! Fighting for Food Freedom... Don't Try This At Home...Unless You Have a Force Field!

Invisible Force Field

Don't try this at Home!
Don't try this at home- unless you are moved by a powerful force that urges you to keep going despite the odds, in which case you are probably being led by God, and if so, He's  has  a force field  protecting you...
The thing about force fields, is you usually can't see them...

April 8, 2016
*sigh* I write to you after another visit from a government employee...
The last visit from a government employee was sometime in early March, until yesterday.

(We are getting so much publicity and attention,  before long we'll be running the whole county)


 But here's the thing... our neighbor doesn't know that God fights our battles. So, in the end, this visit was really no big deal. Yesterday The County Department responsible for the three Red tags and one orange tag stopped by. We got the chance to see the huge list of accusations we are supposed to be guilty of violating.  He told us most of the things on the list aren't even his department. We figure the complainant, who must have binoculars and listening devices, is watching us all the time; he made up a list of everything we own, everything we do and don't do, according to his worldly ill perceptions, standards and then sent it to every department in the county!

It's definitely not the way I would choose to go about spreading the word for good health and gardening, but all of this gives us great opportunities to find out information and who's involved, but more important we get to witness to these employees.    We talk about everything. (Everything we have and do is on the list!)...We talk about movies like Food Inc, pesticides, and how being a hardworking American should be rewarded, not punished.  The "list" from this neighbor reads like a spy novel and the boy who cried wolf all in one.

But one of the coolest things, was, two of our very good farming friends just so happened to be over visiting and we were busily working out in the cold and rain. Both Chris and Kathryn are young, single people, who, with a vision for multi-generational sustainable farms, have embarked on their own mission to help heal hearts and the planet through the leading of the Lord!

 The inspector could see we put our money where our mouth is and was really impressed. He was a real human, with real human responses and
 he walked away much more informed on the problems and the "easier" solutions God has given people in nature. We told him how, because of this nosy neighbor, we are now friends with so many awesome farming and sustainable minded people. We got to visit Joel Salatin's Polyface, joined Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and, honestly, because of him, our faith has been strengthened, as has our resolve. Ha, you know the inspector joked and said we should send our neighbor a thank you letter for spurring us to start this blog, to get the Facebook group going, to connect with all you reading this!! What the enemy intends for evil, if you put your faith, hope, and trust in the Lord, he will turn it around.
     The inspector could see that we are also a part of a much larger group of people intent on saving a lot of people from poisons in their lives killing them with sicknesses, cancers, anxiety etc...; a whole list of personal and physical problems. We are reaching out to more and more people and it's simply fantastic!

Poor Birdie, No human intelligence whatsoever.
I don't know if this will be the last we hear from inspectors, probably not. Our neighbor can't seem to stop himself, like this bird...
He can't stop himself,  it's in his human nature without God to sin against others' Rights and Freedom.

   The complainant ends up being the Bird flying into a glass window and just never stops!

   But here's the thing, we all know our planet is polluted...but Poisoned food, poisoned water, corruption in government, stupidity in government, all have God given Natural Solutions. The law of Nature and Nature's God Supersede, are Above, have All power, All Authority. If a man-made law goes against the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, ultimately, those laws have no power or authority, because they are based on someone, somewhere forcing their will upon others. The truth is stronger. Just because something is a law, doesn't mean it's right....

  But here's the thing...Don't be a Martyr, Wait on God... It's really important to know what your Natural Rights are, but know who you're up against...count the cost...
Luke 14:
28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

  There are those who deny the God given rights of others and the right to live in peace...they manipulate and twist the law, and become the ultimate law breakers...it's criminal.
 They disturb the peace of honest citizens and  cannot stop themselves.  They see our land, our property, what we are doing, and they just have to get involved. It's human nature.  Most people see what we are doing, fighting for food freedom and natural rights and they come right along side us!!! We're doing things so different than most today but not different than life 100 yrs ago. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, see God and hear God.  Those under the spell of sin, binding their hearts and their minds can only see what they want, how they could use us, or hurt us, or control us.  They don't see God protecting us. They are like birds that fly into a glass window.

God is our Force Field 24/7/365 surrounding us.


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