Our Lil' Acre

Our Lil' Acre

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"The Saga Continues" Leaving Us with more Mystery than Problem Solving!

Join with us as we Thank God for this wonderful man
Who intends evil but  is bringing us closer to God
Closer to FREEDOM


         The Sage continues: Miami Township Administrator resigned with a nice severance package. There is a lot of mystery left to the reader. Both parties agree not to talk about it, both parties agree on the package, both parties are not saying why or what happened.

Both parties agree not to" disparage" one another: Since I went to Milford I had to look this word up.

  1. regard or represent as being of little worth.
    "he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors"
  2. belittledenigratedeprecatetrivialize, make light of, undervalue,underrate, play down; More

Milford,Miami Township Advertiser Front page:http://issuu.com/cincinnati/docs/milford-miami-advertiser-081915/1?e=1025128/14905586  August 9,2015

2nd page: http://issuu.com/cincinnati/docs/milford-miami-advertiser-081915/1?e=1025128/14905586


All they will say is she left for personal reasons. A person who is making $112, 000 a year doesn't just quit for personal matters, nor do they receive a severance pay.

Is she being paid off? Is she being a scapegoat? Will we ever know.

We could, if we wanted to,  sue the township for harassment, 
Unlawful use for the Police officer.
trespassing, violation of all our rights, especially the right to privacy, and using the law illegally, even our neighbor.

God is not leading us to get involved in these matters he will take care of it for us.
God is the Judge!

But it does lead everyone to wonder Why?

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Joel Salatin...Glorifying God and His Creation Christian Credibility

"It's hard to  get people to believe something different if it 

jeopardizes their pay check." Joel Salatin on farming.

It's not hard for God.

Acts 19
23 About that time there arose no little disturbance concerning the Way. 24 For a man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis,brought no little business to the craftsmen. 25 These he gathered together, with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. 

     The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is hard for most people to believe in America because it jeopardizes our livelihoods, our paychecks. (God was telling me, it was right in front of my face for years!) The Gospel threatens us with homelessness, starvation, we fear death.  If you study the lives of men and women in history that were "friends" of God they all had somethings in common.  God saved them from slavery; delivered them, then God separated them from their societies, relationships, communities, governments, God redeemed them, led them, poured his spirit and word into them, then he gave them laws and 

          Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and the Hebrews, the Pilgrims, the Founding Fathers.  All were set apart by God from the world and it's standards, morals, values, "work- jobs", and ways. Saints start to learn and practice God's morals, God's ways, God's laws, God's "work", "job". The men all became "husband", "landowners". God gave them land to care for, animals to care for a family to care for.                                                          
        Christians are Men and women that are

                      "keepers at home", farming.

(In 1776, 95 % of Americans were Christians, farmers, Landowners)
 The blessing of Deuteronomy all have to do with Farming. 
True wealth and spiritual wealth of  knowledge, understanding, blessings comes from.
 I speak also from personal experience, as one who was in the world's system, delivered from it's impoverishment of spirit, soul and body. Returning to God receiving refreshment , restoration, renewal of spirit, soul, and body.

         Joel Salatin was raised in a Christian home. He is a graduate 

of Bob Jones University. He is a Christian Capitalist, Libertarian,  
and Holistic Farmer.

       Joel Salatin grew up on an organic farm where his parents had hippie earthy types over on the weekend but they went to a straight laced church on Sunday mornings. http://truthmatters.info/bible-fundamentalists-cosmic-nirvana-earth-worshippers-and-joel-salatin/
      This is what I've been saying for over the past 10 years..Christians, we missed the bus on taking care of God's creation... we built mega churches that are in full sun running $1,000 electric bills, we pray for healing but go to fast food restaurants. We pray for God's provision but wouldn't DREAM of growing our own food or raising animals for food production.. It's like the parable of the guy drowning in the ocean who is thrown a life preserver and offered to get in a boat "nope, God is going to lift me straight out ..." We want to get rid of cancers, diabetes, loose weight...and all the while the answer is right there staring us in the face... We have gotten lazy and, quite frankly, as Joel puts it, when it comes to food, we are traveling the BROAD ROAD!! Wide is the gate that leads to hell, there are many avenues to choose from. This way leads to pesticides, chemicals, a raping of Creation, and then we ask God to heal us while we are destroying his creation through buying the fake foods made through dishonest practices? No more though!! Time to take the narrow straight way. We are making the turn....

How is Christian Faith Tied to Farming...

We view the Creation God made

Forgiveness.. how to make a forgiving farming food system?
1. We need to help the immune system of plants and animals get
stronger and stronger... opposite of today
2. A forgiving food farming system Reduces floods and increases hydration during droughts- ie build ponds during floods for use during drought
3 . Fertility is increased.. how?
large scale compost to in-source fertility and not outsource... we don't have to send military to the middle east to get petroleum based fertilizers

What does a beautiful farm look like?
A beautiful farm is diverse...
Diversity, plants, animals.. all WORKING TOGETHER
.. no hazmat suits...
A Godly food system is attractive... it should be magnetic.. we as believers should be magnetic!!!!!

God is a God of order..
How do we have a farm that exemplifies order?
        In Nature...birds follow herbivores in nature... Polyface, (Many faces), Farm moves chicken  behind cows. Chicken start spreading cow patties and eating fly larva... these are big natural principals. See video Joel Salatin

God is a God of relationship
Food systems of today are fundamentally anti-environment

all.. manipulating life like a plastic doll.
However, Life is fundamentally sacred .
The average industrial farm has no relationship.. there aren't even any farmers on these one species farms...
We need to embrace different gifts and talents of animals and plants...

This sounds like the Church... and this is spiritual truth going on in a visceral way...
  1. of or relating to the viscera.
    "the visceral nervous system"

What is wrong with American food system?
It is mechanical... manipulating life...

How can we grow pigs so they can express their pigness 
There is a reason why we should respect and honor the pigness of a pig
It is in this ethical dimension in supporting the pigness of a pig

Today's farming is: how can we grow more stuff as quick as we can?


Our food system doesn't ask "how do we keep nutritional integrity?"
We have more salmonella, e coli, pathogens due to large scale industrial farming
Food is bathed in chemicals... in many cases it won't even rot... it has no life

We need to opt out..
The Biblical principles...
Broad and easy way verses the narrow way
Broad way- easy, live, eat, but it leads to destruction... diabetes, obesity, toxicity, hospital bills, soil depletion, the making of deserts, (Deserts: Tens of thousands of acres all over the US where the land is come depleted of all nutrients, useless. The size of the Gulf of Mexico.)

        We want to find a fundamentally Healing WAY...THE NARROW WAY!!  
How do we heal the plants, how to we heal the animals, how to we heal ourselves ?
We suddenly embrace this glorious health and abundance that God's grace wants to pour out on us... we participate viscerally and spiritually. The two worlds collide instead of compete and it's a great place to be! 

Joel Salatin... 
Over the years, I’ve seen an amazing transformation in our farm visitors. Today, probably half are conservative home-schooling Christians. I believe that the home-schooling movement spawned an entire awakening to alternative ideas. Families who left the conventional institutional educational setting, who disagreed with credentialed officialdom, found their new path soul satisfying. That satisfaction led them to ask the question: “Well, I wonder what else I’ve been missing out on?”

Jesus came to save, heal, and deliver. For too long Christians have made fun of earth loving green minded liberals. I, for one, stand with Joel Salatin and my liberal earth minded friends in loving the earth God has given us with all we can. There is a broad way and Christians are on their high horse saying "Jesus is the way," singing "Shout to the Lord" in their air conditioned mega churches whose carbon footprint is off the charts. 

We say we love the God of creation as we buy apple juice shipped from China laced with arsenic. We allow the proliferation of GMOs which is like breeding a pig with a tomato plant.. it's ungodly and unnatural and our body's microbes are killed by it. Why, oh Lord, didn't you heal my momma of cancer, why does my husband have arthritis, why are my children's teeth rotting?

Lord, you are our healer... and He says "I try to heal you but you keep jumping over the cliff asking me to catch you..." Instead of taking youth groups to amusement parks, we need to put a maddox, or shovel in their hand, take them to a farm, and have them weed out thistles like Kansas did out on the Ranch growing up. It teaches us how we have to work HARD to root out sin.

 Do we want the Broad way or the Narrow way? Churches need to turn their lawns into community gardens and package and can healthy foods and grow grass fed meat instead of trying to feed the poor with nutritionally BANKRUPT items masquerading as food! Give the poor land, dig them a well, build a small shelter and some seeds like we do in Africa. 

Quit with the chick fil le potlucks and have a non gmo organic chicken processing party and allow each family to go home with a trunk full of nutritionally jam packed chickens!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

"A Permaculture Ecology" with video

  Permaculture hosted by Leah

            We here at God's Little Acre, have a permaculture philosophy!! Work With God and Nature, not against it!
           Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.
Simon Henderson, Cortez IS, BC
           Permaculture is the use of ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing appropriate technology and community development. It offers a practical, creative approach to the problems of diminishing resources and threatened life support systems now facing the world.
Guy Baldwin, Cortez Is, BC
           Permaculture is a holistic approach to landscape design and human culture. It is an attempt to integrate several disciplines, including biology, ecology, geography, agriculture, architecture, appropriate technology, gardening and community building.
Dan Hemenway
          Permaculture integrates people into Nature's design. A permaculture design provides us with shelter, food, water, income, community and aesthetic and spiritual fulfillment within a balanced and healthy biological community.
           Permaculture is Applied Science and Ecology; Ethical design of human systems for a sustainable future. It offers practical solutions to the global environmental and cultural crises we now face.
          Permaculture (Permanent Culture) is the conscious design and co-creative evolution of agriculturally productive ecosystems and cooperative and economically just social systems which have the diversity, stability and resilience of 'natural' systems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. The practice and development of liberating mental, emotional and spiritual
ways of being. It seeks to provide a sustainable and secure place for living things on this earth.

Poor Piggies It's Time to Go. (Nosy Neighbor strikes again video)


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Using the Chicken Swing!

Justin was kind enough to make us this chicken swing... it hasn't had many takers until this little Buff Orpington decided to take it for a ride! Gonna have to move the waterer now!! 

Chicken Bug Patrol

We are fortunate enough to get some excess fruits and veggies from our local Newtown Farmer's Market. Today we got
several boxes of corn trimmings and we love them!! 
Our little chicks are having a great time! 

Patrolling the Backyard!! Working hard Girls!! 

What Can we find? 


Not sure at first, checking out the goods!

  Chickens eat bugs, all bugs. The neighborhood has less flies due to the chickens eating the flies.  This summer has been very wet and rainy multiplying the insect population.  But due to our manure which is filled with fly predators that destroy the fly population by destroying the larva and due to our chickens there are actually less flies in the neighborhood this summer. Our farm is a fly killing machine.

Houseflies and stable flies on your farm can generally be reduced by a combination of diligent clean-up—not letting manure and old hay/bedding build up to create breeding sites--and use of parasitic wasps. These tiny wasps lay their eggs in the manure and their larvae feed on the fly larvae.
Manure and wasted hay should be removed daily from stalls and pens. It can be spread thinly for quick drying, or composted in a covered pile. Properly composted organic material gets hot enough during the fermentation/breakdown process to kill fly eggs and larvae.

Just What Are Fly Predators?
Fly Predators are nature’s own enemy of all common manure and rotting organic matter breeding pest flies, including the common house fly, horn fly, biting stable fly and lesser house fly. In the natural environment Fly Predators serve as a major check of pest fly populations by destroying the next generation of flies in their immature pupa (cocoon) stage. Fly Predators are nature’s own enemy of all common manure and rotting organic matter breeding pest flies, including the common house fly, horn fly, biting stable fly and lesser house flyFly Predators are tiny, completely biteless and stingless. They never become a pest themselves. Because of their small size and the fact they live their entire life cycle on or near manure (where the pest fly pupa are typically found), Fly Predators go virtually unnoticed.

        Is anyone tired of Mr Nosy Neighbor yet?  No. You know why?  He is helping us educate people!  He is such a blessing and a God send. I don't think we could go on without him now.

 He is the driving force for God's Little Acres Urban Farming group which is reuniting the community and the nation. It is a great resource for support, knowledge, and a way for each of us to  educate so many  people on the easiness and benefits of doing everything yourselves!
   https://www.facebook.com/groups/Godslittleacresurbanfarming/    Join today! Be apart of the  future and restoring the earth to clean air, clean water, clean soil.   God created the earth clean, let's keep it clean!
Swampy woods

      As new farmers we realize that some people are just ignorant of the natural process of nature.  We are willing to educate anyone who really has serious concerns for their child's health.  The best thing for the neighborhood is for our neighbors to clear their woods out and drain their creek.  Their creek is pooled with all kinds of standing water naturally attracting flies, mosquitoes, and an myriad of different insect into their yard.

        Most of the flies that are in our area have come from the 1/2 acre wooded area on their property.  With all the rain we have had this summer their swamp area inside the woods can not dry up, it gets stagnate and is the breeding ground for the flies. We also have a creek but we keep it free from debris and dug out deep enough to drain the slopes on the sides of it.  All our water sources are kept chlorinated to be insect free.

Our neighbors have to first deal with their environmental conditions on their own land.

1. Scoop dog poop every day:
       During warm weather, blow flies breed most commonly on decayed carcasses and droppings of dogs or other pets. They can be found in homes that are near a carcass of a dead squirrel, rodent or bird.


Worm-like creatures in dog feces may be intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms, but fly larvae, also known as maggots, can rapidly colonize fresh fecal piles, often confusing owners, writes veterinarian Jeff Kahler. Dogs acquire tapeworms from fleas that carry tapeworm eggs, so treatment for tapeworms includes medicine to kill the worms and flea treatment to rid the dog of fleas. Fly larvae in feces are easily prevented — just promptly clean up after dogs, notes Dr.  http://www.animalhealthfoundation.net/blog/2012/06/worm-like-organisms-in-stool-may-not-be-tapeworms/

2. Clear the creek out so it flows, and drains properly and quickly. Sunshine and air flow will help dry out the water soaked landscape.

Water stagnation occurs when water stops flowing. Stagnant water can be a major environmental hazard.[1] it can cause mosquitoes to breed and reproduce that may lead todengue.[citation needed]


Stagnant water is the favorite breeding ground for a number of insects.

Health Problems Related To Standing Water
There are many dangers when it comes to standing water. Stagnant water is a favorite breeding place for mosquitoes, dragonflies and flies in general. People rarely disturb standing water which allows the insect larvae to grow into adults.